Welcome to The Twilight Diaries, a crossover roleplay of Twilight and The Vampire Diaires. A war is rising between two of the strongest covens - the Mikaelsons and the Volturi - the family of originals, the first generation of vampires, and an army of the most gifted vampires in the world. Both will stop at nothing to win against the other, but who will succeed? Join and find out.
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The Mikaelsons and the Volturis are the two most powerful clans in the supernatural world, the Mikaelsons being the first generations of vampires created. Each one of them has a special ability, though many vampires don't. Still, both clans have always been recruiting members that had special abilities in order to gain strength, secretly wanting to beat the other and be the most powerful clan of all. Of course, despite their peaceful agreement, both clans desire to surpass the other.
After Bella had went to the Volturi to stop Edwart from burning himself in the sun, Niklaus learned about Bella's ability, which was a mental shield that could block any ability. Interested by the power and wondering if it could be extended to more than just one individual, Niklaus kidnapped Bella in order to turn her into a vampire and use her ability. If the Volturis couldn't get to them, the Mikaelsons would clearly be stronger, and finally, overrule them. It had been an obsession for Niklaus since quite a while, and now that he was seeing a way to achieve his goal, he wouldn't back down.